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Come Home Perry

No Matter how dark the moment- Love & Hope are always possible- quote from somebody off Criminal minds episode maybe God knew I didn't need the world to believe in me just you the person that I hope would No matter what I am saying aka The Under Dog

Would you be mad at someone forever or let me spend forever making it up to you. seeing the change, the growth in both or give up before you get your prize...its weird knowing who you are suppose to be with I mean I never thought n a million years God would speak to me or that I wouldn't listen when it did happen... So I'm moving on but the whole purpose of dating and all that's is to find that one so where does that leave me??? lol You for that matter. regardless if u believe me or not don't change it happened. according to God, Look Again this isn't over. according to physcic it is. smile

Me N Kori (Come Home Perry)

1st Let me set the mood... I really really really don't want to do this. And I feel like you felt it you. made me admit it. so I shouldn't have to do this or go in detail. And you are being stubborn, impossible, almost like you like me being or u don't care but that's crazy. to love someone then this. before when I was hurt I did feel, that way out of fear, what I saw, learn growing up, wat the streets taught u, but now like that's the craziest thing to me. But I feel like I don't be telling you right or I was upset because I am torn with all this. But I am kinda it happened glad because I shouldn't have to deal with this or carry this alone; esp if he sent you. it was a mistake not depending on you or allowing you to be there and love me and help me though all of this to push you away and act crazy with you & I hope you feel same. but I didn't give a fuck no more was tired of everything being difficult. Damn if I do, damn if I don't, Like fuk it!!! here's your husband, but all of this.. But I don't feel likke I should have to discuss something soooo personal on text. so I'm a put it in a blog form. That's why I tried to tell you in a setting where you would receive it... on fathers day that year. you asked what was wrong? I said I was frustrated. you didn't asked me why? I said I want to talk to you. can we go to my favorite spot and talk? a date? you was like "yeah" and said something smart like" not everything is gonna happen the way I planned it". interesting sometimes I don't even see somethings u told me same thing God said. and this is something that should be talked about face to face. Like your not talking to me why??? its childish and stupid at this point you probably talked to me in Heaven, We loved each other every Life Time, I don't know. You would think someone that said they wanted to give you everything. loved everything about you a pulled up on you for almost two years at your worst time wouldn't give up on u & would love that you are back and better than before. like let me go get my bitch back. I'm proud of her. Everything she went through and how she's getting back up... that's my B lol. but I get it do it before i do it to u? and me, but who pushes their man away? their husband? like the person God spoke to me about? thats crazy. I was never suppose to be alone after that. I don't mind like I don't have anything to prove to anyone by faking or just doing some shit. yeah I completely fumbled. didn't tell you. does that even make sense? like any other women would have use that to, lock you down, baby, get all that I really wanted w you. either that proves I'm telling the truth or how stupid or how much I was really in a deep mental fog And I kinda forgot it happened when I got scared, in fear, ptsd, overwhelmed all that. am I manifesting this? Idk? i'm pretty good w the universe and if he didn't speak to me I would maybe sayy yes I'm manifesting it. but I'm preying for forgiveness and to be sent my new Life, a husband that want do the shit u did, me either, want push you away, want run, want hurt me, & will love me & step up even when it don't make sense even when he mad. A real man for me not some difficult bs that don't make sense, not fun, love me when I cant, uplift me, to rebuilt strong, rigght, unbreakable. since I fumbled you wat God saw. but if GOD didn't talk to me then maybe and why has it never manifested w anyone else no matter how heart broken or feeling like I wanted to work. Idk all good questions right? I know maybe this why I stay quite does it make sense but its God should it? and one more thing why can't it be me???

I want you to stop not talking to me. how will ever know? without communicating? I don't want us to make the same mistakes of past or of others bc of our humanly ways/ so much time I haven't seen spent time w u n coronas were suppose to b planning a coronas wedding babies and we not even its sad

okay so were doing it? this is my blog, but it has a conversation attached, its built to help people heal & I prey one day you can & forgive & see things differently bc God wants something different for you. your missing your blessing by acting & being.

1. Why am I telling you now? honestly, I thought at first I had Fuked up everything, in past. Like this is how my story ends. Like I lost, I didn't listen to God, my man, mom, made every bad decision in the world, took hard road. felt like, even tho the fight, the God, in me was saying. No, use this, is a set up for your destiny. it took some alone time to really be able to reprogram my brain without outside stressors. I feel bad for Kori. our family, you, it was hard seeing me grow thru that and like you, they got a lot of the change in all ways. but they can now also go on this journey with me and although it seemed all dark. it was a lot of healing that needed to be had all around and this platform, these discussions. even my mom wh'so a Leo. like you said we have no boundaries, no conversation, healing, not doing it. is acctually seeing different, So God again. anyway When I told her(my Mom) about the experience w God about you. she said what his number? I'm like noooo, we can't call him he. hates me or loves me idk. he hasn't shown. so we film, I let it go. A few weeks later my sermons start surrounding subject, and my horoscope. my everything, is like send this message, tell him. so I prey. I'm like God are these message for me? thats crazy like I'm not reaching out to him... u see the bs he pulls? if he want to think let him. see how he goes out he way to hurt me? he gotta a better B right? doesn't love me ? see us? he happy like let him... bc as much as he thinks he doing something. we know different, them lessons. but he feeling like I did this on purpose, hurt him or something maybe simply bc its not how he would handle it. he def don't own up to nothing he does, very childish like behavior. doesn't even seem like his chachter BUT MAYBE he needed to? idk u tell me? I'm like that's crazy, reach out to him? that? he isn't, doesn't, like NO... plus I'm finally all the way healed. Not trying to get my feelings hurt and I'm trying to heal, move on, opening this womb would be like, so Noooo not doing it. but God, I would never not obey you again, so if these messages are for me then, like you gotta slap me in the face with it and let me know this what what you are saying, like I can't... So a few numbers pass me I'm like Kori you see this so I say no like no numberology. like I'm not, that's coquendence right so the last thing that came was I didn't take picture I should have. License plate said Cal 7264. so I did. isn't it funny? when I sent you that first text ?I said now can you ask God to send me my future, then that email my future, w your name, God think he funny. But he is not backing down. its not jus this it was alot if signs. the wedding Magazine was biggest. I prayed is he if you say ill reach out to him. its happens you know. or is it universe way of trying to make me go remember the bad keep me bad .

Me N MY Mom Discussing God talking to me (You)

  1. I never wanted this for us period. Like I enjoyed being with you, my friend that found me, my life partner, I made a lot of mistakes!!! so did you. mines in fear, ptsd, w you, & my life. I have to be honest say I'm split there's a part of me that......... you because of how you have treated tried to destroy, walk away ,kick me when I'm down it was cowardish, very bitch like behavior. I don't understand why how you supposedly cared for me, loved me, but not give me same? I tried to love you when I couldn't love myself. given you all of me. where was the same love for me??? I get it like the rest you want to hurt me if I can't love you the way you want me to. Not everyone learns and walks at same time or same way. but like the rest I couldn't love you in that moment but I don't deserve to be punish for for ever, for a season. for growing. making mistakes. bc God can make that mistake a miracle. you don't know his plan. jus bc its not to u, don't mean that's not how or that's the final. miss your blessing bc giving up was easier, was more understandable.

  2. what the fuck? am I talking about? probably should of lead with this... Do you remember a conversation where you were saying something like I am here to make your life better??? this was before we had sex. I know bc I was saying I'm not attached to him yet so let me go, like we can b cool, he's not my husband or my next boyfriend, or situation like I felt... u feel me. well while your were saying that. I was saying in my head. asshole! tired of him disappearing. Like I'm about to go and let this be... I'm like make my life better do you know who the fuk I am??? Like I'm out. as I am saying this in my head God comes across chimes in and says" STICK WITH HIM" so cool very soothing voice. I admittedly replied without thinking but or No "he's mean"... he says" its not gonna be what you think"... brings tears to my eyes now that I can recieve it, late but hey. kinda same thing you were telling me "I was ok w you". think I'm gonna end it here!!! this shit isn't fair. think, I was like, okay well then, he should pick me, then lets see. think In my head now I know was wrong move. I'm like, when he does, ask me to be his, you know it will be cute, like he will ask me to b his and ill be like good bc God wanted us to stick together...

skip to 34:00 mins to hear me speak about how I know it was god

  1. but when everything start coming against us. the preg scare, which I don't think was a scare. think that's was a clue. the more it happen, the more we were kinda comfortable, like if it happens? like I like who I'm w anyway or something idk... anyway when something is put together my God or made in heaven or idk seems like like me anybody reaching my full potential, seems like the hardest thing, everything comes.; so the goal is not to be meet or something. maybe with you, that's why it was important to make sure we split. Look at it, he used the person closes to you to plant a bad seed in ur soul about me. but when we saw thru that and that made us or you appreciate me or see u were losing me; you stepped up. our past was consistently at play bc if the past stopped us before then what better way of splitting to hurt people up. do I have to keep explaining the rift? my exs wouldn't stop but now my phone isn't ringing. her father, like one hit after another with you getting upset and allowing it to tears us apart and you helping it, me def helping it. I naturally went into fight or flight known with me soooo etc etc even coming back it all happened again you wasn't seeing me being attacked at my job, same recipe. but this time my fight was stronger than the opposition but I still couldn't communicate that to you. I didn't trust you. so me trying to say I need and want you in my life. but I need to heal. came out however you took it. wasn't saying I don't want to have sx w you of course I do. was saying, I'm almost clear let me heal. let me get back to 100 I'm like 50. Me trying to say this wasn't coming out the way. seemed like it is all happening on purpose even person ur with... bc if were apart we cant fulfill what God is trying to do. you see now??? you told me why I don't see? but it wasn't me that needed to see

  1. THE CLUES, your probably like bitch that don't mean shit lol. yes, the fuck it do. no 1st clue I didn't kno a few years ago before I met you. my mom called me and said a S... a getting a S. I'm worried about your friend in San Diego so I reached out to her. turns out my friend here w a Sher had a stroke a week later while she was alone. So that happened I never thought anything about this S. we were filming and as I told my mom I never question her about her gifts or whatever but bc its you someone that hurt me its like???. but God didn't say perfect right bc he sees something in me so I know... but I told her the other day what i'm telling you. I never told her your name she knew of you. 1st clue you were sent as a Gift on my birthday!!! guess God was trying to. with my brothers birthday!!! who knew I missed this until after but don't think it was a coqinkidink ill tell u with that clue y. why not any of my other brothers got plenty? do I think to hard (forget you had some time like the time you spent driving to my house on bs u say but I think shit u did was bat shit anyway) that brother, is the one closes to me in age, like a year and a half. same dad. some how we ended up in same grade. I started early I don't know but people would call us twins like that was and still to this day. people call him my favorite but truth all my brothers are dope. twin flame. anyway the biggest clue outside of him speaking to us and using us to get to the other. guess I would listen to my husband well played God and u me ur future wife. Hi future husband. it always felt sad to leave you (guess that's y I went crazy said if I did u would leave I'm like and stop hurting me. bet kori voice she told me bet that's another conversation betta get yo daughter). & I may be imagining things but the hand thing people talk about and how we melt into each other... elevator when you held ur arms out its like we are drawn since day 1 is that why u stay away? kinda undenyable...) the Biggest clue the WEDDING MAGAZINE 427 let me explain... So after I completely went into that dark space. when I felt like I can breathe again. before I didn't know I wasn't finished healing. I asked God. I said ok God you said its him stick with him. did you mean like husband? and so if he truly is and this is what your saying, telling me. then I need a clear sign... Like slap me in my face. so were hanging on porch across st like normal smokin when we decide to throw something on grill. so me, Kori, big A, went to store. (publix's same one we) like going with you, we getting what ever we want, thanks for that by way... so we walking, I walked passed aisle, just passed it not down it . and bomb I see 724 because when you are walking, so im like was that no way. so I double back and picked up magazine and its a wedding like say I do. Im like I thought this was his number but thats so wild, bc it read. like there's this magazine, I'm like wait was the his number? bc remember were walking so it read backwards. or the number I thought was yours, you didn't tell me until that July its the 26, don't think was accident bc I can easily say all this has to do with my brother that's his number... so now if I question it its sent all four numbers crazy right? or mayb I am. i don't care I love me. anyway I know sounds but my Mom jus had to lift her lip, stop with her doubt .know ur no ones favorite bc of hurt but God has spoken; damn it fuk all dat. now all these every time I say God pleasse, its not fair, please allow me to move on bomb he send me... like the my future, or lic plate with ur name and number w 143 (I Love You). maybe that's why God sending me, is its about timing. Kori, maybe wasn't perfect time for us or mayb it was. but def perfect for her right? mayb the timing has do with our children tears iif we ever meet them, OUR. but I'm not doing that, if u did that then, it's not special. not living thru that again. you never have to worry about me regardless. I want to say, but if God. but No God. He knows I don't, I can't do it again. But how you saved Kori...(let me explain, your words reiterated that day and that was after God spoke to me about you, I didn't realize that until writing this, but I didn't say I heard God. I heard you telling me what u had been saying make sure everything is done... I was hanging phone hungry angry been running in circles all day getting insurance , new doctors, I'm like, ill do this tomorrow but I heard that in my head. My Mom looked at me bc I jus picked phone back up out the blue. I had already announced I'm done lets get food. but bc of you she was found on well visit. bc of her story .her doctor was going to stop checking well kids bc he said it seemed like a waste of time but bc of her that he was going to ccontinue. her doctor the one that found it bc Kori told her she wanted to b a doctor she ran a college physicals, she may have started check well patients you saved lives including my daughter. My story, these blogs, conversations, who knew out fight would become that we would be writing letters to the congress and our purpose would shift over night. bc our our experiences we are able to help others. but God has used you us in our lives like that the whole time.

I think I defiantly got triggered with all of this. It made a lot of feelings come up. The tricky part is I'm so different now. I don't feel that way overwhelmed anymore. so I don't know how I feel. If I knew I loved you, then I could throw a fit like why he leave I love him. but I'm clear and I don't know If I ever loved anybody. kinda glad I get to fall n love for first time . learn how to love right. there's a part of me like I hate him. for everything he did & want him to suffer. why does he get to walk away, get pushed away? why does he get to know what God said? he chooses not to talk to me, to block me, to walk away. So let him get his lessons, why tell him? Let him get what he tried to serve me. not knowing God spoke over us... then's there a part that knows i am suppose to b with you and its sad. like I don't want anyone else or giving my life or having or my family, mayb our destiny want be. like the part that knows ur my husband so if I know I would never want you hurt you or be hurt so if your happy then... I would want to know the person God sees. Like see him step up and know that what went thru wasn't just for me the lessons, the hurt wasn't just for me to grow and elvolve. to know that God must have something that our love. they said once God get ready to give it all to you. your life fall apart or when you are succeeding. Im torn im sad bc I was becoming at peace with my fuk up. It was sad not listening to God knowing I may have fuk my chances for my family. to know I been alone thru corona. maybe this is how it was suppose to play i don't know. mayb theres another plan idk. don't know why God choose but if you don't believe me what difference does it me. or we are not willing to see, or step out of our human ways and into Gods like get out our own way what difference does it make. because theres no happy ending or incredible testimony, love story, no proof I guess.

I got a little sad because I truly was trying to move on from this. And just really don't want to think about you being with or possibly living my life, our memories, our babies, its just sad. But I think I understand why?. Give me and God some time... why God told me to tell you. for one you think he talked to me if I was suppose to sit back & everything he was given me, watch you? 1st honestly I thought so it was my punishment for not obeying right? but I think, if God can take his time and come and guide us then why can't I come tell you what he said. right??? what if me not telling you some how did same thing to you that has been done to me? that gave me ptsd, taking your choice away? If God thought it was so important that he came to us then why can't we or me or you can't we you understand??? if God has forgiven me, Us, you and still sees something special or has a destiny for us; why can't we get out of our human way??? ... Do you think that's why he talked to me? to us? through me, so we wouldn't get in the way??? but if he knew I wouldn't or didn't get a chance to tell you, that this would happen, then??? do you think its a warning for you? maybe jail want b able to show you this time, idk. because that's def a LESSON a desperate lesson. lmao, why do you think he came to us??? is this why people say God is a He??? Do you even believe me??? Like I did some (but in my defense who can hold any accountable in duress and it wasn't to anybody I kinda knew it was to my Destine partner, future husband) and but so did u my ngga but I don't have to make nothing like this up, like I'm not desperate, I wasn't going to tell you now, and I was living w consequence and I have never went to another man or had to go back... like we talk or get back in friends. they apologize. they kno like you kno that I'm one of a kind, amazing. but I don't or never had to... Let's rewind, I think when I'm nervous with you everything comes out wrong. or feeling like does he believe me? does he hate me? is he gonna attack me? gonna get my feelings hurt? rejected? or do some other disrespectful bs? and say I did something wrong? because he doesn't know how to say whatever "I'm hurt or it bothers me". think I repeated myself, over thinking, talk to much, its okay... shouldn't have to do this. should be humans and be able to communicate period. so fuk it, ill take all the time and words I need. Sooo 1st what do I mean? so we were doing my podcast, I was talking to my mom about all this I never really told anybody.

  1. maybe that ppart of me that wanted you to choose me yourself. (but maybe thats wasn't fair I wasn't thinking right nothing was God gave me a heads up I should of given you the same) jus love me thats what's that meant why can't you just love me, my finished sentence is without me having to tell you we were destine or ... maybe thats the part that maybe don't want this any more bc you choose someone else trying to give her my life .I cant live thru that again and every time you stick ur dick in someone else. (o gotta tell u something) it makes more of a possibility that my child w u. I try not to speak bs into existence. I'm not living that again. I don't care well I care what God says. that's the dream he showed me as a child/ when I say he has shown me before. who knew when you knocked down pandoras box that they were things so deep... like me maybe being mad at God. bc Why would he let that happen to me??? but who knew God wasn't reuniting me with pinups for finical but to change me life to set me up for my future. I knew but No ideal a husband and a new life. so you see what you brought out of me. but when you hear her talk about it then it wasn't bad its what ur soul mate... anyways maybe that's why I done with this hope is paralyzing if you want memories with them then that's already in play. we paused our story but because its not perfect or its started in dark does mean... because like Joel Osteen reminds the day starts in the dark

  2. Once we met, it felt, before we met I was looking for you! before we met officially, were you??? once we met, it felt like Home. that's the only way I know to describe it. thought I was tripping til I heard Cynthia say that about her new husband atl housewives. you are everything I preyed for you a ying to my yang we are so much alike but our strengths and weakness are each others... its weird it felt, to good to be true! but anything that's has loved each other or put together by God shouldn't it be??? It seems to good to be true. in it I couldn't see. but now I know what if its put together by God how could it not be? When he told me to "stick with you" then you came with such an important message. at time it felt like all my past, like you, I mean everything, but ... I mean one day ill explain because I know we will talk again. I don't care how much you ignore block, bring bitches, run off, try give em my life, still want change the fact God spoke over us, blessed us. if a bitch ain't told you god said before sex then!!! idk I couldn't say before he talked to me. but now I def know God will. if you wait for him. want change that we may have loved each every life time. I know you felt it! bc you made me admit it! before u went to another bitch I'm not here for that. hugged that hoe everything in me, if its wasn't for Kori. bae baby you were saved. my exs would b pissed like she let you do what? nigga she didn't... don't tell nobody. I wouldn't try me now... ooo smacking my teeth. thy tried but I'm back more gansta than ever. ready to take names and kick some. smile

  1. Why are you mad??? Did your Life change??? you say I am disappointed. I'm not upset. but your actions speak hate, hurt, don't give two fucks, kill yourself. fuk what your going thru, if you cant act the way I want you to... Follow someone that's all the way wrong??? okay.!!! But I want to know Like what did you lose? Me? what did it matter if I wasn't the one??? If you left anyway first??? if your off doing whatever the fuk not communicating ?? what fuking difference did it make??? was I missing something ??? your words and your actions wasn't matching. don't separate us, but I'm a pull up, talk to a bitch in front of you, pull off block you, listen to my nigga, treat you bad, but when I call or pull up did you miss me? are we still doing what we talked about??? You cant meet my mom, know where I live bc im broken? bc a bitch fuked me? and I'm taking it out on u.? bc those memories I don't want with you??? (for the record I was wrong. as much as this isn't something I was try to put in place, actually said I would never do it again, fear def did it again. I would go back and make and have every moment with you bc life is to short even mad bc its didn't change the love bc I was upset. not to show you that, for you not to show me, that should of never happened). but do you love me??? not showing you where I live? bc I'm bs? bc you might treat me the way I treat you? but I'm all up in ur home around, our daughter, w all this disrespectful shit. so I can prove to myself or whatever sick thoughts. idk? I would never treat you the way you treated me. would never play them games. get a mutha fuk popped. for the record everybody can meet my mom she's amazing, like me, if you don't meet her, me then its a dis service to you. bc people that shine that bright, that touches peoples lives for the better. It a shame you didn't meet my mother! I don't think or move like you. why would I I actually love myself & dont want to hurt others, or feel like i need to get them before they get me. or don't follow some dumb ass book bc i am the leader I write books I dont follow. I Know who I am I love being me good & bad. the under Dog. the person that shines so bright even ...wit niggas trying bc there afraid of who I am becoming. but I lost myself!!! but You still needed to kick me in my face like why? did it make you a better man??? or just live w regret? make a broke man feel whole? by making the other person look? You think sane India would of let u n ur truck not ur home? when my daughter was in other room? I was trying to love you even tho I was misersble w you. you jus took all the fun oout like spending night fuking n morning. like why is he my husband?? but when he said its not gonna be what you think??? wasn't unhappy bc of you, not bc of you, I loved you but your ways!!. You wanted me to feel less than myself bc of your downfalls. I followed and tried to love you anyways despite it going against everything I wanted & believed in. 1st mistake. If a man can't see this diamond, if he's to scared to step up to my, our dreams where God is taking us. why am I thumbing myself down??? easy answer right bc I do it for everybody. so people want see how special I am and hate me bc they do without knowing right??? but did I get that from you??? where was my understanding, my support, my answering of phone? despite trying to ruin your life, yeah never did that to you. but some how you still get to hurt me & walk away... or so you thought what lesson God teach you??? did you remember me and our daughter when he brought you to ur knees. if not do, because its not if, but when. trust me on that. you disrespected me so many times my home, my job, my daughter and I still let you pull up me. I get blocked where is the in that??? what does running do?? not communicating do??? where does it leads to??? I know you did all that for this??? right ?? if I didn't get it right? so I could be or feel? bc like if I didn't meet ur our son or you did all those things to make me feel. but know that want stop my destiny. you not coming back maybe we want meet our babies want have this destine life. but the rest, this part of my destiny, will be fulfilled. what God has for me, No man or Woman, situation, my father is the creator!!! A bitch make me jealous... ??? Nigga have you loved me, seen me?? yeah okay Ny voice. plus GOD spoke to me about you. that trumps everything duh!!! u pulled a... when I had a rare never ... lmao yeah you won (DAT WAS A HELLUVA QUESTION)

  1. WHY AM I DOING THIS? IM SO DONE WITH THE PAST... trying to be the bigger person. but bc how you act I don't know what to say... Like can we just meet at park bomb everything magically fixes it self. Nigga u had the ooooordasity to say he was exhasuted & I can't be mad at him. in what world. and I bet you it was exhausting being a ass hole, going out of your way to block, but bitch, this nigga exhausted!!! like my whole life was turned upside down again. like jus putting bricks back on... clutch my pearls, I say. but God told me different!! I saw different in you. I believed in us and trusted God... when ur matched by God I mean... but you won. lmao my bad I forgot to tell you why you was doing all that laughing. YOU CAN'T HURT ME WITHOUT HURTING YOU OR US OR OUR DESTINY, FAMILY, WHATEVER, WERE CONNECTED, my bad. it was amusing not being able to punch u in ur face. but I knew a little secret (in my crazylady madea goes to jail brownie for my brownie sorry let me get back to the tears. this is painfully so I can get to my Cinco de Mayo. Dia de los mortas. perfect day to let it all go. if God will let me he thinks he is funny your not the only one w a fuk up sense of humor.)

  2. I'm so tired of having to deal with everything myself, alone!!! its not fair, that God re-opened this womb, that I had found peace in. I knew what I did, how I fumbled, after I woke up, but I should be able to move on!!! sit on a new lap!! love and be loved just like you.! If God said you are my partner, then I shouldn't be the only one affected. I think it triggered me, bc I do deserve a happily ever after. ! and I am torn half of me know ur my angel and tha this was all part of trying not to allow me, us to reach our destiny. but I try the way, I try to see what God sees. the other half could you know.. kick your, and don't want anything to do with you. you been with one someone else, maybe loved soooo like. im no ones second or bc God said. and God saidd if you ain't got nothing nice to say. but the sentence, this punishment's, I think is fuk and to harsh for all the amazing things, the amazing person, my sacrifices. but i know God got me

  1. Would you be mad at someone forever or let me spend forever making it up to you. seeing the change, the growth in both or give up before you get your prize...its weird knowing who you are suppose to be with I mean I never thought n a million years God would speak to me or that I wouldn't listen when it did happen... So I'm moving on but the whole purpose of dating and all that's is to find that one so where does that leave me??? lol You for that matter. regardless if u believe me or not don't change it happened. according to God, Look Again this isn't over. according to physcic it is. lol God would allow that reading to finish. He's funny if thats who want a life with then you want get my blessing bc that's a lesson but I know what ever you affects me so ill leave with thanks bitch for the well wish God Exceed we are doing Amazingly Well... yeah You Won LMAO all I can say is

Do you Booo Booooo to be continued

how I feel Joel Osteen says its Best with I got nothing to Prove

money bagg yooooo i thought a ,,, I got time today!!!!

putting inserts in that support gonna send you short idk dont want to hear no mean shit hurtful



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