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SO WHATS UP as you may or may not know I love to workout and I especially love it when my family does it with me. during the pandemic we got a chance to add that in and I want to keep it going... Esp with so many people dealing with health issues. Here is a chance to push yourself with us. Sooooo I am inviting my Family & Friends to join me in Running into Feb 28. What ever that Looks Like for you. for me...

I am not a big eater but I can indulge so keeping with my diet. Probably Prey and Fast until Feb 28 do Seafood & Veggies. I am in competition with myself and my watch so closing my rings daily. I have a lazy workout I do for about a hour and a half if I'm not feeling 100%. Other than that I like to just get outside. Run, walk by river. Its to cold so here's a few people I work out with indoors and still reach my goals. I have worked out with a lot of trainers thru out years so I can come up with my own routines that get results. Most important part is just to start. Don't beat yourself up or try to go to hard. I do mines gradually. work my body back to where I was, then push further, harder. You ready? I think I have a video or two ill share of me, us working out... You ready? Don't forget to order my Non-Journal, I have a great one designed to help you reach your goals, track your progress health and mental, see your progress and of course Spike tha Ball as Dr.Ish says. Celebrate yourself and your journey. Thank u in advance.

Mr. London

I like to spend a little time with God, Meditating, of course listening to music while working out...

I ain't Sorry... I ain't thinking about you!!!

God has brought me to Mr. Tyler Perry

Mediation For Healing and Recovery

You Ready? Inspired? Let's Get It!!! And take it Easy!!! Getting rid of Negativety, so they you may become who God Says you are (Journal)

*** UP DATE***

So I trained for my race with help of my amazing trainer Kori. Who pushed me to get out and run despite how I was feeling. Who got up and walked with me 5 miles while I ran for support. Who also got up with me even though I was late and supported and Routed for me. Thanks Boo Love you

So like I said I was late so I had to run to the race which took like 15 mins. So there running pass me running to start. The race has already started. But I'm determined not to come this far and give up. So I run up get my number and I'm off its about 20 mins into race. I was able to catch up with the walkers, strollers, runners and pass a few even runners. I finished in 30 mins so I still beat time of finish race by 10 mins. Think the fastest runner did it in a little under 20 mins. My daughter said I would have placed. She always knows how to make me feel good. The runners that was watching me run up, was walking back as I finished and they routed me on. They saw I caught up, that was cool. We were able to get some cool stuff from run like these water containers and foam to go over outside water source so it doesn't freeze. It was cool. Then we were able to go see The Nature Center see the cool Birds and wild life.

I really loved the experience, really loved pushing myself to new heights. The LandScape and the houses were so beautiful. Being up that early seeing the sun at its earliest was peaceful and felt good. Saw some beautiful Birds flying over the River and the Women's Row Team, doing there thing. That was so motivational. Can't wait til next year and might even do another race this year that one qualified me for Peachtree road race. But they actually practice and all that so next year for that race. But I may get involved in that running community.

We are actually getting ready to get into Kick Boxing and Tennis. Want to make sure Amor and other know how to protect them selves. So we are gonna do a self defense classes personal and one with a group. So let me know if you are down to do a retreat day. Hope more people join my team next year. Maybe Amor will even train and run it with me. But I'm happy she just participating and supporting. Her health is everything to me and if I can be any help in helping anyone get healthier I'm with it. my weight is being stubborn so join me for my next Fitness Challenge (See Post)

So join us this year for our events aimed at Mental health and Health. Thank you


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