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Is Gardening Good For Your Mental Health? I think it may be something to it. The art of Gardening is peacefully, relaxing and I think it gives you some satisfaction. Like the little rewards of seeing the plants it self grow larger. Seeing Fruit or other flowers bloom, grow. Its like a baby like I grew that. It gives you small feelings of accomplishment, of reworking something to make it grow, because sometimes they die, right an element wasn't right. And you don't give up on them. So it teaches you to stick to it, even though every plant won't make it. The great part about that is your mistakes make you better. The longer you Garden the better you get, you learn more techniques and health ways of growing your Garden. So yeah I think there are large benefits to gardening as it relates to mental health. Not to mention the health benefits of having oxygen and other benefits of plants present in your spaces. ooo yeah and visual simulation, plants are beautiful they really do brighten up your space and make it more inviting :) Guess that is a Home Decorating Tip.

So Speaking of my garden, I left them outside it was really Cold last night. Well now its really hot in the hundreds. So I feel bad let me bring my babiess in. I'm still dealing with theses bites that sent me to the urgent care unit, so just a little tired. But Speaking of babies, my garden, has been growing!!! and it makes me so proud. Seeing them give Life, grow, maybe even... the process of Life. As you know from my previous post, I do not have a green thumb at all. Everything a ever tried to grow, I couldn't. Determined and challenging myself I said "if I can grow my Garden, I can have successfully relationships". Just like the lessons of my garden I am still learning and making mistakes in real time. Even Lost some. But there growing. I have learned new techniques that help them grow healthy. I even grew 2 Tomatoes, whooo :)

One of the benefits of growing a garden is the small accomplishment you feel. The patience's you have to have & peace, the See I don't break everything I touch lol. JK. Like when I lost myself, my confidence took a hit. Just believing n myself trusting me and my decisions. Seeing them grow and knowing your actually responsible for that is a good feeling. esp when you get results. A few of them withered. I was able to bring them back. Some I wasn't, was sad but had to focus on what was working. Then learning the difference in some, Like some need more water than other. Makes you wonder is Happiness related to your growth and when you see growth and if they were to die would it make me feel opposite? like I'm failing. Would that make me sad? Because I'm gonna tell you, I caught on a little late that my Bonizai wasn't retaining the water it needs to. So I don't think its coming back, but I have Hope. So I keep watering it. I saw a little sign of green but one thing I had to learn is. Yes, plants need like a hole. But you need something under them to hold water. Because if it drains right out the plant may not be getting enuff water. So leaving it at bottom allows plant to take as much as they need. Putting rocks in my pots that don't have holes allows them do the same thing.

I'm getting a lot of little bugs. So I have to ask you experts how do I resolve that? Do I plant a citronella? Is there something I can spray that want harm my plants? Something I can Mix in the water I spray them with? I think because of this cheap soil I used from dollar tree. When I ran out of the soil I was using as a filler but wrong move. So I got some more soil. Gonna take that out and put new soil. My tomatoes, I grew a tomato!! Its so cute!! but it not getting enuff nutrients and the water is not retaining to give it what it needs so it withers, I water it consistently it comes back. Sounds like relationships huh? lol. So lets try to save my little tomato tree. But I didn't plant them so there not growing well. So w are planting them tomorrow and moving another one to a bigger pot. I am really proud of my garden. The aloe is growing. Kori took a piece, I was like its not ready!! But I think it actually helped it grow. Don't tell her. smile. Its gonna need a bigger pot soon.

My Garden, It brings me peace, Knowing we are improving our quality of life is a good feeling. Talking to them, loving on them, as a mom you feel less needed as kids get older. I think my plants help with that. They always need me no talking back, smile. Love me talking to them, loving on them there comforting right. Makes you appreciate Life on all levels. So here's some pictures. A little video. tune in to see the growth. Think we started with one we got from ikea or home depo now we got like 10-15 including a Vege, No my first patch passsed it was herbs. I still haven't tossed them but think gonna grow tomatoes in pot so if they come back. Is it that being hopeless if I keep believing the dead will re rise or is it being naïve and just need to replant new? Some of these questions are same thing you ask you self Mental health and in relationships. The correlation. But I don't think my atmosphere is good for certain plants. Ill try it again though maybe in New Home. Sometimes no matter how much you do the plant want thrive in the wrong environments. Plants who Knew!! My Mom and aunt there plants are like huge but they are also great Nurturer's.

So pick up a plant, you might be surprised on how rewarding it is to bring life be able to feed your family esp with the rising prices. We had a lemon tree in back yard growing up it was so convenient. Then the neighbors had other fruit so we would go steal it lol. then they would tell our mom lol but that didn't stop us from getting that good juicy fruit.

Do you say? Happy Gardening or Happy Planting?...

Either or enjoy your new found healthy passion, hobby. This is what putting a healthy habit in place of bad habits look like.

Tune in too see what we are doing how we are growing through Life, Our Journey.

Like animals? also make you feel needed they always need you> but they can be to needy. is it safe to say that after doing something for so long, do you need a replacement or need to feel that way again? lets explore that in next convo, live. Like the older we get, do we need less or more of what makes us feel I don't know what I'm asking but... Like are your bother suppose to protect you less or does things just evolves to fit your needs now and how do you communicate that?



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