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Not So Much... This year was Mental mind F 2021, But Seeing my daughter in excusating pain was one of the hardest moments in my life. We, She handled it well for the most part. and as for her I'm extremely proud of her. I don't know if you know but in moments of a person you love is suffering. you can't do anything but help comfort them and do what you can to ease their pain, stay by there side. Although I realized as a care giver you giving your all to someone trying to be strong for them. Still trying to balance home and work can be a Mental F Challenge. So getting out by your self even if just to get food and maybe a drink, having those moments to cry for you, them, just to release it is very important, because as strong as you are getting depleted can cause bickering or for you guys to kinda go at it. Even if its not often. So having Me time in Stressful situations I think is important and I know people try to make you feel bad about not being there 100%. But if you have no rest because you are constantly up with them or you your worrying. Not eating properly like all this can add up and you find yourself agitated and could come off wrong when all your trying to be is the opposite.

Backing up. Was it the day of Thanksgiving 2021, my daughter start complaining about discomfort in her but like upper leg. Me never dealing with anything like that I'm like its probably a ingrown hair that hasn't released. It was but it got so bad that she could not walk with out crying, God reliving it brings tears to my eyes. Then it got worst. So that went on for 3 months she Had to have surgery in January. Its funny because when the doctor asked if this was something in family I said no because no ones talks about it. When they heard what was going on with her turns out a lot of people have dealt with it. People can be so strong, hold it all in but its a dis service to your family. All the secrets because you don't know you or your children can be at risk to. I understand privacy but the lack of communication can something be more hurtful than helpful because they could of helped with there knowledge on how they got thru it, what they learned, Prevention, Natural Remedies passed down through generations. But we got through it. I actually ended up making a little mixture that I was able to apply and give her a lot of relief. Everything she applied burned or made it worst.

Let me paint the picture. We went to one Doctor it started to heal then it got worst. On Christmas Eve I m like if it gets worst we go ahead and go to the E.R. I was able to get her relief and she went to sleep. Around 1 am 2 she woke up in pain again. So I'm like okay lets go. Like she couldn't walk without pain and discomfort. So I'm like you think you can make it. So strong , she's like yeah. There's a lot of stairs so she going down them just balling screaming in agoning. So we get to the car that's a struggle because to sit stretching sore was awful. We pull up to front to let her out. They bring a wheel chair but its to painful to sit. So she's balling I went to wrong door, oooo no. Everyone's looking at her and whatever there going through like there's tears in everyone's eyes. Because when a person is in that much pain it hits your soul different and to not be able to help. I remember Praying God please I will give up everything I will not ask for Lovve, Career, anything for me If you save my child like like I give it all up to put extra focus on her. As much as I'm praying to never have to go thru any of this alone. Like ever, like to have a significant other there even if you need to go grab something or anything like the help , someone to emotional depend on not only for her but for me. And I did, to this day I try not to ask even though God knows my desires. Anyway its not about me lol.

Like Luckily God was on our side, it wasn't packed so we were able to be safe. We stood the whole time like all she could do was lay her head on my shoulder. One point she had to use the bathroom we beeen waiting over a hour. On the way back she was in so much pain we ended up stopping in hallway so she could catch her breath. See how God Works we were able to separate ourselves from any danger. (I had a co-worker niece go thru it after I told her about my daughter she ended up getting C-19 having her surgery right away. God took us a safer Longer route). So She gets some what you know, she still crying we are leaning and sitting on chairs in hallway there's a vending machine right there. Me and her often think the same. She crying and she says you know what will make me feel better a Rice Krispy Treat... I would of bought her the whole damn machine you hear me. Like anything to make her feel better. So thank you Kellogg's I will forever be thankful. When we were in the E.R. this lady is going off in this wheel chair older white lady. "Why I gotta be here? I need to smoke? How much longer?" she yelling across the E.R. she was funny. She made us laugh. About 2 hours in our name finally gets called. She the nurse already saw what it was, so she let us in the back door. The rooms were all separated so that made us feel better. We were super tired. The nurse comes in she gives Amor that medicine thru the Iv, Amor got Lol high. She was like "the nurse so nice, the doctor so nice, we gonna have to do something nice for them". That was funny but what was to come wasn't. It was very painful and trying to be strong for her the nurse is telling me I'm strong, while holding Kori hand as she screaming and crying while he releasing all the fluid that build up. I'm telling her she strong to do this everyday like, God give them Strength. We had to go to the E.R. one more time. I think then she started to heal but needed to surgery to completely heal it and clean it out. Like wow, that was just one incidents. After that we went to Mem for a month where I found out my Mom was also having surgery on her foot. So it was a good time I was able to take care of everyone. We spent time eating, watching movies, Think we started Walking Dead from beginning, me trying to stay working, didn't work out as much it was cold, so we didn't mind being in. This video was shot as she healed enjoy our lil convo on hot topics. and our preedictions or planss for 2022. Throwing some pics in there. God Willing see you in 2022. Be Blessed. Stay Safe. Love on each Other while you can. For those facing Health difficulties daily My Heart Goes out to you. You and Your Families are in our Prayers. Be Brave, Stay Strong, Your Mental health matters take some me time. Breathe. <3


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